These are exciting programs for kids from birth to grade 5. Each day has Bible lessons, crafts, activities, and snacks. A highlight each year is the "Olympics" on July 4th where the kids compete in a host of games.

The junior and senior high students enjoy this program geared specifically for them with daily times for worship, Bible study, and small group discussions. We also have tons of fun activities like dodgeball, Archery Tag and capture the flag.

The adults have plenty planned for them each day including the morning missions and Bible hour and evening worship service. There are times for fellowship each morning and a wide variety of activities throughout each afternoon.

Bedding: sleeping bags or pillows, blankets, and sheets (only the Main Lodge and Mini Lodge provide linens and towels). Towels, washcloths, toiletries, clothing, beachwear, Bible, pen or pencil. Optional: musical instruments, camera, and snacks.

Dr. Larry Starkey
Biblical Apologist
Morning Bible Hour

Dan Richter
Evening Speaker

Dave Weiss
Gospel Artist/Pastor
Opening Weekend Evening Speaker

Dave Pettigrew
Musician/Worship Leader